tea, detoxThere are many reasons to do a detox but if you do one it needs to be easy and safe without any gimmicks or costly supplements.

Even on a WFPB diet, we are bombarded by toxins everywhere! In our water, air, food, and items we use every day! The liver can always use a break!

If you have High Blood Pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes or some other chronic illness, you may benefit from a detox plan!

What plan to use?

There are some crazy detox plans out there. Some can do even more damage to your body. I for one bought into the idea of the gallbladder flush. It involves taking a liver tonic tea for a week then ending with an epsom salt purge while drinking 6 ounces of olive oil and grapefruit juice. This sounds crazy but it is in a number of books by highly respected people.

I cringe when I think about it now and what it did to my body. In 2020, I had a cholecystectomy, so I can honestly say the gallbladder flush didn’t so me any good.

The best and easiest detox plans can be found in Anthony William’s works.

Image of a detox heavy metal smoothie based on blueberriesSay what you want about the man but his detox plans work and don’t involve any crazy concoctions.

The plan in his Thyroid Healing book has three 28 day detox plans:

B. Getting rid of heavy metals (detox)
A. General healing
C. Healing the thyroid 

He outlines what is pretty much a 90 day detox plan. I feel the book title is misleading! Thyroid Healing is more about healing from the Epstein-Barr virus! You can learn more about that by reading Medical Medium.

The plan is very basic. The only “fancy” ingredients you require is some Spirulina, Barley Grass and dulse (a seaweed). Nothing to break the bank and all readily available on Amazon.

Every day you drink lemon or lime water, celery juice. lots of water, certain teas, and several shakes and broths he recommends.

The heavy metal shake is made with bananas, oranges, and blueberries plus those supplements I mentioned.

Everything else is just common sense. Fresh food, no gluten or anything with additives. He doesn’t even shun you away from animal products, other than dairy and pork.

Frankly there is so much to eat and drink on the plan, I never could do everything he recommended in one day. I did find the instructions, however, to be vague. I basically had to take his suggestions and build my own plan.

3-6-9 Detox from Cleanse to Heal:

Actually this is the most flexible detox plan I’ve ever seen. It expands on the detox plans in his Thyroid Healing book, but does so with far more instruction and flexibility. Find Cleanse to Heal here:

He has about 9 versions of the 3-6-9. You can do 9 days, and continue with a different version, repeat the one you did, or just stay on a perpetual plan until you reach your goals.

Again, he has you on the lemon water, celery juice, shakes and such but the main thing in LOW FAT! VERY low fat! He explains that the body needs natural sugar, like from fruit. However, the body must process fat first. Most of the time, sugar will end up in your blood stream because the body doesn’t get around to processing the sugar.

Just think about how much fat you eat! Avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut, etc. If you add salmon and trout (the only animal products he recommends), then you are adding even more fat.

So what can a detox do?

The number one thing a detox might do is to give your liver a much needed break!

May chronic diseases are related to a burdened liver. Give the liver a break and it can give the pancreas, kidneys, gallbladder, and colon a chance to heal.

Most people want to lose weight. There is no way you would NOT lose weight on this plan! My husband lost 8 pounds in 18 days when we did this twice in a row.

Diabetes is a big concern these days. It can go undetected for years and wreck havoc on your body. Some people can reverse  type 2 diabetes with a proper diet. It will likely NOT correct the damage already done, such as neuropathy.

The detox will normalize your blood pressure as your weight goes down. As you reduce your fat intake, your arteries will be cleaner and your blood fat levels will go down. Your cholesterol and triglycerides will go down as well.

Hypertension is heart disease, pure and simple! A detox may decrease your chance of a heart attack or stroke.

I’m HOPING to eliminate my tinnitus, reduce facial lines, improve my skin and hair and generally find myself in better health! I suspect this detox may help me there!

A detox takes some preparation. It helps to write a meal plan and stick with it.