Is having fluoride in your water worth the risk?

Putting fluoride in water was the biggest deception ever perpetrated on American people! I imagine someone got rich on a deal to allow industries to dump toxic waste in our water supply and get paid for it!

Maybe there is hope to end the madness!

On June 8, 2020, a federal court trial began in San Francisco that could finally end this insane water fluoridation in the United States. The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) is suing the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to force it to limit or ban adding fluoride to American drinking water! The FAN alliance is arguing that fluoridation violates the Toxic Substance Control Act and presents an unreasonable risk to the general public.

Delayed but not over!

Only a few weeks into the trial, U.S. District Court Judge Edward Chen delayed a ruling in the case between FAN and the EPA. His suggestion to submit another petition was thwarted by the objection of the petitioners that it had taken four years to get a court date They were also running out of funds with which to continue.

As a result, the trial was delayed by Judge Chen to include two new studies. The National Academy of Science is expected to publish a study later this year and the National Toxicology Program is working on a review of the literature on fluoride. These new studies, he said, should be considered by the EPA. The judge did acknowledge it is undisputed that fluoride can cause harm to the human brain and is a neurological hazard. The disagreement between EPA and FAN hinges on arguments over the levels at which fluoride causes neurological damage.

Why should be end water fluoridation?

As I researched this topic, I found an alarming number of articles that support fluoridation and tout it as a natural product. Calcium fluoride may be naturally occurring in water but it is a far cry from the what actually gets dumped into our water supply! The only benefit they seem to claim is to strengthen the enamel on teeth! FAN’s concerns are:

  1. The concentration of fluoride in the water cannot be controlled.
  2. The American people are being medicated without their consent.
  3. Excessive fluoride has been linked to dental fluorosis in children which can result in yellow or brown spots on developing teeth.

Some other evidence against fluoridation is staggering.

As of May 2020, 65 studies have found that fluoride has a negative impact on human intelligence. The fetal brain is especially susceptible to fluoride poisoning as the placenta does not prevent the passage of fluoride from a pregnant mother’s bloodstream. It takes a very low concentration to result in a reduced IQ! Fluoride has also been linked to ADHD in children.

Link to Thyroid Disease!

The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health made the connection between fluoride and it’s negative effects on the thyroid gland. Fluoride disrupts the absorption of iodine – a deficiency linked to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. It is estimated that one in five American’s suffer from thyroid disease by the age of 40.

What are they REALLY putting in the water?

The main chemicals used to fluoridate drinking water are known as “silicofluorides” (i.e., hydrofluorosilicic acid and sodium fluorosilicate). Silicofluorides are not pharmaceutical-grade fluoride products; they are unprocessed industrial by-products of the phosphate fertilizer industry. Since these silicofluorides undergo no purification procedures, they can contain elevated levels of  arsenic — more so than any other water treatment chemical. 

Why should fluoridation concern you?

Outside of the fact that the negative effects outweigh the benefits, think about this.

  1. You have your rights violated every time you take a sip of water.
  2. You pay the water company for every sip you take of fluoridated water.

These are some additional articles I found of interest!

Article about the delay

Link between fluoride, aluminum, glyphosate, wi-fi and Covid!

Fluoride – aluminum link.