Just when I thought Liver Rescue was Anthony William’s best book, he came out with Cleanse To Heal.

I have all of his books so far. I have done the cleanses in Thyroid Healing and Liver Rescue but I had a lot of questions. I joined Anthony’s Facebook group and sometimes got answers but more often not.

Anthony explains a lot in Cleanse to Heal! First, he puts all of his various cleanses in here and provides several options for each. He explains what one might do over another! The book is a text book or health guide!

My favorites of Anthony Williams

Medical Medium explains who he is and provides his take on the Ebstein-Barr virus. He provided a cleanse but it was not very detailed in my opinion. I felt he left too much analysis up to the reader. So much so that I wrote articles on my interpretation and how I did the detox.  See my version of the 90 Day Detox Plan here.

Thyroid Healing was much better, although I think it could have been named differently. It was about much more than the Thyroid and offered three 28 day cleanses. Again, he left a lot to interpretation and I updated my detox article to include my take on his 90 day detox.

Liver Rescue was amazing and the 3-6-9 detox was so easy that we have done it about once a month since I bought the book.  I had questions about why certain foods were not included anywhere in his writing. His cleanse included mostly raw food but his recipes had cooked food. I was confused.

Cleanse to Heal explains it all! Not only does the book explain things, Anthony has had live Facebook events almost daily to cover the material. He still leaves it up to the customer to determine what supplements to take but they are explained quite well for the consume to decide.

Why detox?

I’ve learned that just being on a whole food, plant based diet is not enough! Yes, it will help people tremendously if they have heart disease and are at risk of a heart attack or stroke. Other chronic diseases my take more doing!

Going WFPB got me off of my blood pressure medication but the cleanses I’ve found in these books got me off of Thyroid medication as well. I refused to take cholesterol medication but I have no need to now.

I see countless posts where people have gone WFPB but still suffer from various chronic diseases. Anthony says viruses cause many of these chronic diseases. While a WFPB lifestyle helps, the body needed to kill off these viruses in order to be healed.

Impact on me!

Personally I’ve had Ebstein-Barr (hypothyroid, tonsillitis), Varicella-Zoster virus (chicken pox and shingles) , Strep (who hasn’t had strep throat?), Paramyxoviridae (mumps), and lately, the Corona-19 virus. From Anthony’s books, I’ve learned these viruses don’t just go away! They lie dormant and cause all sorts of chronic conditions. Ebstein-Barr (EBV) is linked to at least seven conditions per current research! We are just now learning that the Corona virus can cause ongoing issues as well!

Antony talks about how viruses are kept alive, how they move and manifest in the body! Anthony ties EBV to countless chronic conditions! Unwittingly, the standard American diet is exactly what the viruses need to flourish!

Why some detox plans fail!

After reading Anthony’s books, I realize why many of my detox diets have failed to give me results I wanted. I was guilty of doing the liver and gallbladder flush! It was amazing that I didn’t kill myself with all of that malic acid and olive oil! I was also on a fish diet that recommended high does of Omega-3! I quit when my nails split down to the quick in the middle! I got mercury poisoning from that cleanse.

Ironically, Anthony is not about any particular diet. He concentrates on what TO eat and has a rather small list of what NOT to. After reading his books I think I can enjoy a piece of salmon or trout once in awhile!

This is the last book you need for staying healthy!



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