Miss me?

My postings have not been regular of late as I have been dealing with various health issues! I am recovering from a second surgery in 8 months.

How can I continue to have health issues on a WFPB diet? Good question. I was one of the unlucky ones who caught Covid-19 and ended up with some long-term Issues. Covid-19 is directly related to gastrointestinal issues including cholecystitis. Read my post about Covid-19 and long-term complications here.

There are many Facebook groups out there on the topic of WFPB living. From what I’ve read, not everyone gets healthier, and they don’t understand why.

Well not every health problem is caused or cured by food. I do feel that many of our problems are caused by toxins. A clean WFPB diet may lessen the toxic load in our bodies but what is we are SO overloaded with toxins that we just cannot get well? Glyphosates and poisons are in everything. Virtually all of our water and food have been found even in organic foods.

This article may help to find out what could possibly be wrong when a WFPB lifestyle does not make them feel better.  It is depressing to be on a diet like this and still be in pain, not be able to lose weight, not reverse bad lab results and not see the glowing results you read about for everyone else.

Strange symptoms this year?

As I stated in an earlier post, I caught Covid-19 in March of 2020. Actually, I was exposed in February 2020, but the symptoms started in March on a day I just happened to have blood work done. The blood work confirmed a virus and my symptoms.

Covid-19 exacerbates any dormant virus you may have which may explain why so many people have difference symptoms and reactions to the virus. It also explains the “long haulers” out there.

Covid-19 does not go away, it just goes dormant.

Personally, it seems as though I am trying to catch a drawer full of falling knives. Every day it is something new! I had a cholecystectomy in October of 2020. Since then, I have not been able to regain my health.

I have had so many tests done that I suspect I glow in the dark. My doctors were unable to diagnose anything as my health continued to deteriorate.

For me, it was Breast Implant Illness (BII).

image of black and white BII awareness ribbon

Breast Implant Illness (BII) is a disease I was not aware of until last year.
It might not only be contributing to my current health issues but most of my health issues since 1991.
I had implant surgery in 1991. Call me stupid because I had no idea there could be anything wrong. At my 10 year check up, my surgeon assured me everything was fine.
A breast sonogram revealed a rupture in the implants. When I was having the scan, I asked how my implants looked. The technician said “oh, they are ruptured, see here?”.
They offered to write it on the report but they don’t normally report on implants unless they are asked to! REALLY?????
I have to wonder WHY a technician would not report on the condition of implants when they are CLEARLY a problem for some women and may be the very reason for the scan in the first place!
How many women have walked away from these tests thinking they are doing fine?

BII Symptoms

Breast implant illness BII is caused by all of the heavy metals and toxins in the implantsImage listing BII symptoms and the capsules they are in.
The symptoms of BII are many.
Some are caused by scar tissue impeding nerves, material growing into bones or cartilage, frequent headaches, body aches and pains, joint pain, neuropathy or endocrine issues from toxins; The list is long.
Some of my illnesses may have been caused by my implants.
  • Hypothyroid disease in 1993.
  • Unexplained weight gain that was almost impossible to lose.
  • Costochondritis in 1996 that’s never gone completely away.
  • Spinal degeneration that required a fusion in 2005.
  • Nearly every symptom on this list!

Viruses, toxins and heavy metals

Heavy metals exacerbate viruses so side effects from Epstein-Barr (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, hypothyroidism), Herpes Foster (shingles), Gillian-Barre (neuropathy).
Breast implants and the capsules they are in are loaded with heavy metals and toxic chemicals!
Recently I had an outbreak of shingles. Between that, a recent surgery, recent virus, trauma and stress, it triggered the Gillian-Barre which closely mimics Parkinson’s, MS, or diabetic neuropathy.
For anyone with an implant history, BII may have become the new smoking gun for Doctor’s to diagnose unexplained illnesses in lieu of their regular diagnosis of autoimmune disease.
This article will not apply to many and may be a little strange for a WFPB website. However, I committed to a WFPB lifestyle to regain my health and still had issues.
I realize getting implants are a choice. Heck, I made that choice, but I wasn’t warned or aware of what I was getting in to. Despite the overwhelming evidence, the medical community doesn’t even want to admit the disease exists!
Be aware that ANY type of device placed inside your body may cause health issues!
Through the Facebook support group, I found a surgeon and am scheduled for surgery later this month. I intend to follow up my surgery with several rounds of Anthony William’s 3-6-9 detoxes in his Cleanse to Heal book.

To learn more:

August 4, 2021
I am a little over a month post op from a breast explant. I am recovering nicely but still convalescing.
Many of my symptoms disappeared or diminished since my surgery. The ruptured implants were slowly poisoning me. The neuropathy I was experiencing has completely vanished!
The constant neck and back pain is gone and the stiffness has diminished considerably.

What does a breast explant have to do with health on a WFPB website?

Well, breast implants are full of toxins. While a breast implant or foreign device in the body delivers a concentrated dose of toxins to the body, the environment we live in exposes everyone to toxins as well.
Buy organic produce when you can! Avoid GMO’s as none are organic. Use natural products in your home. Make your own or buy green products. I use Force of Nature cleaner on just about everything, I stopped using candles and use battery powered candles instead.
I shop frequently at Grove for environmentally safe laundry and cleaning products.
My kitchen is mostly plastic free. I use glass, stainless steel or safe ceramic like Extrema cookware.
While I still have a few canned products in my pantry but I buy in glass whenever I can, especially tomato products. I use tomato products by Jovial. They are organic and come in glass jars. Check out Thrive Market if you cannot find Jovial products.

Force of Nature cleaner.

I discovered this cleaning system and had to try it! It is a natural cleaning product of water, vinegar and salt! Safe for use around children, pets and the environment but as effective as bleach! It comes with a charging station and vinegar pods that turn your tap water into a cleaning product in 5 minutes. It has a very pleasant smell and cleans beautifully! Seems to work on all surfaces. Click here  to get 40% off.

The point is to live in the most natural environment possible!

If living a WFPB diet is not enough to make you healthy, examine your environment. Consider if there is something else keeping you sick. Maybe a virus. Possibly allergies or sensitivities.
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