Is breast cancer hereditary?

It certainly seems it can be hereditary but it is not the only factor. There is evidence that diet may play a part.

A dear friend of mine has been helping her mother get through treatments for breast cancer. Now she has learned that she may have cancer as well. She is terrified!

She is justified in her terror. Cancer is life changing for anyone!

Cancer treatments are expensive and not always effective. However the immortality rates have been decreasing in the last few years. The overall 5-year relative survival rate for breast cancer is 90%.

Chemo and radiation are hard on the body. People lose their hair and the scalp becomes very tender. Wigs hurt!

There have also been reports that women are being misdiagnosed. They go through the chemo and radiation and don’t even have cancer.

We hear nightmarish stories from people who had chemo, radiation and surgeries.

My own mother had lung cancer. She died cancer free but the radiation treatments burned her lungs so bad she couldn’t breath. My mother literally smothered to death.

The China Study claims link between cancer and protein.

When I was working on my nutrition certification at eCornell, I learned about The China Study.

T. Collin Campbell, PHD and Thomas M. Campbell II conducted the 20 year study. They concluded there was a direct link between protein and cancer.

There are some who attempt to discredit The China Study. I choose to believe the results of a 20 year study over the musings of the big food industry.

Dr. Campbell was raised in a family of ranchers. Meat was his bread and butter. He had to turn his entire life around to adopt a WFPB diet and lifestyle. HE was convinced with conviction!

Apparently cancer cells live within all of us.

Whether cancer cells are activated or manifested depend upon a number of factors. Protein just happens to be one of them.

It only takes 20% of daily intake animal protein to trigger cancer manifestation. Between 6% and 15%, cancer tumors can grow. At 5% there is no cancer risk.

Conversely, there is no risk of cancer growth with plant protein until it exceeds 20%.

To put those percentages in perspective, let’s assume a person’s daily intake is 2000 calories. 20% is 400 calories of animal protein you can have before cancer manifestation is triggered. 5% is only 100 calories!

When you think of the standard American Diet, Every meal is centered around protein as the main course! One meal alone could exceed 20%.

The FDA recommends 50 grams protein in a day and higher for athletes and pregnant or lactating women. Animal protein is 9 calories per gram. That’s 450 calories.

Link between Corona virus and cancer

While there is no evidence the Corona virus causes cancer, there IS evidence that Corona can complicate it.

Obviously Covid-19 targets people who have a lowered immune system. Cancer treatments compromise the immune system. It stands to reason that Covid-19 is high risk for cancer patients.

Covid-19 also targets people with diabetes, heart disease and obesity. These diseases can be slowed or even eliminated by a WFPB diet.

It is suspected that Covid-19 can cause long term effects including respiratory damage.

Corona has been around a long time. There are more than 5000 strains of the disease. We really don’t understand long term effects and links to other diseases.

Ebstein-Barr and breast cancer

The Ebstein-Barr virus is linked to breast and prostate cancers but this article is about breast cancer.

Ebstein-Barr (EBV) is another virus that has been around a long time. Approximately 95% of the world population has some form of EBV.

Researchers are only beginning to find links between the virus and other diseases. Chronic health conditions like breast cancer, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, tinnitus, vertigo, fibromyalgia, lupus and more.

Anthony William caught my attention with his connections between EBV and many diseases. The Thyroid connection being one. If the endocrine system is impacted by EBV then it could impact any part of the body associated with estrogen.

According to Anthony, the impact of EBV can be lessened. I have proven this myself by following his guidelines in Thyroid Healing.

My results from the Thyroid healing Detox.

I was on Thyroid medication for nearly 3 decades until I read his book. The medication did not alleviate my symptoms because they weren’t caused by the thyroid. They were caused by EBV.

I stopped taking Thyroid Medication in 2018. Recent blood work showed my T3 and T4 levels were slightly low by as little as .2 with no medication.

This is incredible considering my doctor could not get me regulated on the medication. He referred me to an endocrinologist when he was concerned my thyroid was not even functioning.

Read my article about Epstein-Barr and my Cleanse To Heal – book review for more information on Anthony’s books.

Summing it up!

I am no doctor and don’t claim to be but the research is compelling to think you can lessen your risk or possibly reverse the disease with diet.

My recommendations:

Pick up Cleanse to Heal, Liver Rescue or Thyroid Healing by Anthony William.

Pick a detox plan and adopt it to lessen the effects of EBV.

Limit your animal protein or go completely WFPB.

Read the posted articles for more information.

Above all, be optimistic, have hope, and be kind to yourself.

You’ve got this!

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Research Links of Interest

Is Breast cancer hereditary?

Dairy protein causes cancer

Nutrition studies and cancer

Kill cancer with a WFPB diet

The China Study links cancer to animal protein

Q & A video with Dr. Campbell

Link between Casein and cancer

Corona and Cancer

Covid-19 and the WFPB diet

Ebstein-Barr linked to breast cancer

Hospital research links EBV to 7 diseases

Dairy Protein Causes Cancer – Dr. T. Colin Campbell