Sweet potatoI have a tendency to skip breakfast, eat a fairly good lunch then eat a light dinner fairly late in the evening which is not recommended at all! We eat as late as we do because my husband often does not get home from work until 7:30 or so. I seldom snack.

On weekends I am REALLY bad. I might go all day without eating! Finally starving at dinner time, I don’t even feel like preparing dinner. I need something fast and easy.

Adrenal Gland Exhaustion!

Lately I have been learning a lot about the adrenal glands and that it is better to eat something every few hours to keep them in check. Otherwise they flood the body with cortisol late in the day which might be the reason for my insomnia.

So this snacking thing is a bigger change for me than going vegan! Some recommended snacks are a piece of raw fruit or vegetable, maybe even together. I like flax crackers, maybe a cracker with a few berries. A handful of cherries!

Skipping Breakfast?

Breakfast is a real challenge for me because vegan breakfast it tough! non-existent in restaurants, especially since I avoid gluten! So I might have half a cantaloupe or a whole grapefruit. Maybe a smoothie.

With all of this snacking going on my lunches and dinners should be smaller. I try to have soup and salad for lunch then 3 vegetables, a starch and some kind of beans for dinner. I think that still works, I just need to make the portions smaller since I’ve snacked all day.